Latest releases

Read all the press articles on Music Global and its Rockstation concept.

The history of Music Global at the microphone of France Bleu

You know Music Global, but do you know its history? Let Abraham Donny tell it to you on France Bleu. Thank you to him for his interest in our ambition and our team.

Région Pays de la Loire

Video presentation of the project by the CCE – Pays de la Loire region: “My project is cultural, its objective is to democratize the practice of musical instruments. I called on the Business Growth Contract, because I found it very important that the Region be part of this process. 

Dematerialization of invoices

Geoffroy Aze, in charge of the commercial, financial and administrative management of MGC, tells you about the dematerialization solution for customer and supplier invoices implemented in the company. “We are a company aware of its environmental responsibility and concerned with the ecology. 

Music Global rents new offices in Fleuriaye!

In search of new and more spacious premises, Music Global Consulting turned to Manac’h Immobilier to support them in their development. This is how they are now moving to La Fleuriaye in offices with an area of ​​182 m2.

CCI Nantes St-Nazaire

On April 4, 2018, the 2nd edition of ConneXions Finance took place, an event organized by the CCI Nantes St-Nazaire and NAPF, the objective of which is to bring together project leaders and funders so that they can discuss and share on the subject of finance in all simplicity and ease.

Rockstation sells all types of musical instruments

The Rock Station concept has opened a music corner inside the Espace Culturel of the Leclerc center. Musicians, beginners or experienced can get an instrument at a reasonable price.

Thibaut Vincent innovates with his Rockstation

This display of musical instruments created by the Cellarien is already of interest to cultural spaces. Thibaut Vincent obtained an Initiative loan in Pays d’Ancenis, which will help him in his business development.